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Education Without Borders

Established in 2002, Education without Borders (EwB) provides educational opportunities for at-risk learners through after-school programs in maths, English and science, and extracurricular activities such as choir, surfing and leadership camps.

The EwB program is delivered to over 300 learners across all school grades by 50 carefully selected university-based tutors, many of whom are EwB graduates. It is based at 5 sites (schools and community centres) in 3 townships on the Cape Flats outside Cape Town.

Why after-school education programs?

Life in the townships in South Africa is brutal. Poverty is pervasive. Unemployment is at a record high. There are few opportunities.

The best chance young people have to break this cycle is through Education

Yet the education system in South Africa and particularly in the townships is in dire straits: overcrowded classes, under-resourced schools, under-skilled teachers.

After-school tutoring is an internationally recognised approach to supporting young people to overcome these obstacles. It offers them a pathway to a better life

This is the space in which Education without Borders operates.

EwB’s after-school programs

  • Bridge critical educational gaps that impede academic progress
  • Are fully aligned with the in-school curriculum
  • Stimulate interest and engagement in academic learning
  • Enhance social-emotional development and self-esteem
  • Use innovative methods and small groups to maximise learning
  • Provide a nutritious meal before sessions

Fundraising goals for 2022

Office, Meeting and Training Hub

Up till now EwB has relied on the infrastructure of the schools for office, storage and meeting space as well as venues for tutor training and its summer and extramural programs. This has many limitations including security and weekend closures.

EwB is desperate for its own central service hub that will provide a permanent home and centre of gravity for its program.

EwB has secured access to a safe community site, shared with other NGOs, that provides the ideal and secure venue for this development. Provisional costing indicates that $150,000 will provide well appointed office space for all its staff, adequate storage, kitchen, and toilet facilities, and a flexible and fully-equipped training and meeting venue.

Please help us raise $150,000 to establish this much needed EwB HUB

We APPEAL to all our friends, sponsors and donors to help us reach these targets by giving generously. We believe that this Central Hub is the next critical step for EwB and an essential foundation for its future development.  

Response to Coronavirus

When schools were closed in 2020 and 2021 during the pandemic, EwB maintained motivation for learning through the provision of regular worksheets. They also provided food for learners and their families at all EwB sites. 

Please read this letter from the Principal of Bellville South expressing his appreciation for the support of EwB during Coronavirus.

School in a box (SIB)

EwB has introduced the remarkable School in a Box to help learners achieve their full potential. SIB provides online and offline academic support utilising digital tablets for interactive and engaging learning. For more, see

Thanks to our Australian and New Zealand SAFF donors, 6 SiB’s were purchased in 2021. They are already in use and were rolled out at all EwB sites in 2022.

A tutor tells a story

“The team of tutors which I work with have been dedicated to this program and seeing them grow with the learners has been amazing to witness. In many ways, EwB has been a beacon of change for the learners, the school, myself, the tutors and the community at large.” 

Mickayla Smith, Site Coordinator and Bellville South Primary School